BankScoop thrives on user comments and discussion.
Members are responsible for their own comments, and must adhere to the below comment policy.
Upon registering, you agree to follow the terms of this policy. If you do not agree to abide by the policy, please do not sign up to comment.
Our goal is to provide our members a platform to voice their opinion in a civil environment. If comments or discussions become uncivil, BankScoop reserves the right to moderate or delete comments, and/or close the comment section on any article. Members who violate the Comment Policy may be blocked from commenting without notice.
We appreciate comments that are on topic, constructive and brief. Regarding reviews and comments on a particular bank, we expect all submissions to be real and reflective of your personal experience as a customer of that bank.
We discourage, and may delete or moderate comments that:
- Are not “on-topic”
- Personally insult other members
- Are vulgar, harassing or threatening
- Are unnecessarily excessive in length
- Copy and paste articles from other sites
- Include an excessive amount of external links
- Contain advertising